As a Life Member of the Sierra Club, I am passionate about our environment. We recycle, compost and use energy efficient fixtures to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact. I am a founding member of the Morrisville Residents Active in Improving the Environment (RAIN) Committee (now the Morrisville Environmental and Stormwater Committee (MESC)) and I recognize the importance of being a good steward of the planet.


I am a champion of tree and open space preservation and I believe that we must invest more to preserve our tree canopy and embrace green infrastructure practices. I will continue to advocate for a tree preservation ordinance update and expanding our open and green space inventory.


I am a champion of our town’s efforts to update our fleet of vehicles to hybrids and eventually electric power, install solar panels on municipal buildings and empower our new Sustainability Coordinator to implement policies and investments to lead the way to a better, greener future.


COVID-19 Response

